September 9, 2010

Kitchy Kitchen

We/ I am starting to think seriously about how to re-do or re-create our new kitchen. Hubby and I are at odds somewhat as to how to proceed. I would like to keep it looking somewhat old...and he likes a newer look. He is used to putting in really high end kitchens in the homes he builds, but we can we afford these type of kitchens. I am the cook in the house and a pretty good one if I don't say so myself, and from the time I started cooking at the age of 19 I always loved cooking from scratch. I was never one to use mixes or prepared foods so I can get along well in a cooking style similar to those of old. We do not own a microwave and would never use one, so don't need to make room for that. I do have a Cuisinart and a Kitchen Aid Mixer which I use often. So will have to find a place for them.

I would love to find the perfect bread box and canister set for the counter and maybe that will be it. Hubby uses a French press for his coffee, although we do have a fancy electric coffee grinder. We need to add some storage in cabinets and drawers and are trying to work that out together. Hubby feels overwhelmed at the moment as he is doing all the work. My time will come soon. I have started a small amount of packing this week.
This is our kitchen today.
The unit in the center is a mint Youngstown sink. I love it. Hubby likes it. I bought the wallpaper below to put on the top section of walls. I want the kitchen to ooze cheerfulness and happiness. The paper was on sale for not so much at all so if it looks horrible or I hate it when it arrives, I will come up with a new plan. The floor is a green and white speckled linoleum and in really good shape, so it will stay for the time being. The lower part of the walls will be a shade of white/cream to match the wallpaper, but for the most part will be covered up with cabinets and shelving. Any ideas for me? What do you think of the plan?
And for all my sewing friends, look at this 1950's kitchen complete with spot for sewing machine.
Sewing machine in lower left corner.
Here is a wonderful sing-a-long about Youngstown Kitchens.


  1. I simply CANNOT believe that you chose that pattern wall paper as it is the EXACT same pattern as what my grandmother had in her kitchen! I kid you not. Now you're freaking me out.


  2. a matter of FACT, she utilized any extra paper by recovering the seat of her kitchen chair/foot stool (remember those? They were a high chair with a fold down, 2 step foot stool?) and by lining the insides of her kitchen cabinets. It is a pattern that is ingrained in my memory.

    I know she is somewhere watching all of this--I just know it!

  3. Ohhhhh how perfectly, perfect. I find it very cheerful and clean looking. Today I found a fantastic canister and bread box tin set, with strawberries and polka dot tops. I think it will look terrific in the pantry. I am still working on Scott to like this retro look. He really seems to hate it. Thinks it looks cheap. Ha cheap. There is not a cheap bone in my body. Well now I know for sure that this is the perfect paper for the kitchen. Scott finished painting and just put the first coat of varnish on floors in two rooms. Wow What a difference. So clean and fresh.

  4. Don't tell Scott that my grandmother's name was Betty! That would totally send him over the edge!

    Can't wait to see the place.



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