July 31, 2011

Last Year a House...This Year, A Dress Form

I work with a girl who is a designer for Tahsa Polizzi and Tasha is a friend of mine too. Last night while folding some napkins at work I started talking sewing and how I was having trouble with my fit. Right away, A. said, "You need a dress form". I told her all about Hazel, but alas, in all truth, Hazel did not work out so well. She started shifting and collapsing and when we moved I unstuffed her and put her in a plastic bag in the attic. Poor, poor dear Hazel. It is hotter than a habanero up there this summer.

But never fear....it's my birthday next week...so Happy Birthday to me..I just purchased an adjustable dress form. I realized another thing as well. My 'sewing room' is not a real workplace. I have no great room in the new house to dedicate to my creations and hubby HATES it when I have stuff all around...OCD!!! Part of my frustration is having to pull everything out and organize it for a sewing project, but I see no real remedy for this with the present space in my home. :(  So as Tim Gun would say "Make it work" and "Carry on".

Before work last night, I took all the stitches out of the hem of the Rose Print dress and removed all the shoulder seaming and neck facing. Now I just have to wait for hubby to get home and help me get the proper hem going and help me fit my shoulders. I really can't wait to have a dress form so I can do the adjusting properly. This will be a whole new world for me.

I started watching the new season of "Project Runway" this week and one of the designers just started sewing 4 months before the show started! Holy crap....but she came in second on the very first design challenge.Here's a link to her design. I look forward to seeing more of her work. Did you see the show? What do you think about the designers this season?


  1. Easing in the hem might be easier if you first sew hem tape, the lace kind, to the right side of the dress hem. Then ease in the fullness as you hem. This prevents using pleats which sometimes causes a pointy part on the hem.

    You can pull slightly on the lacy hem tape to gather up as you machine sew the tape on. But every time I do that it is not as nice. The gathers are not consistent. So, I make a point of not stretching the lace tape.

    Hope this helps you.

  2. Oh, I forgot to mention my thoughts on Project Runway. I had not given any thought to this before, but does a designer have to be able to sew their creation? If the contestants on PR don't sew well it is hard to tell if the fit is part of the design or just not knowing how to fit; as in the front bagginess of the pants that particular designer made.

    I think it might be a better contest if each designer had a seamstress to help them. Then we would see the true vision of the designer and it would be more about design and less about sewing with a time restraint. They should know about basic construction though.

  3. Since my kiddies have moved out, I turned their bedroom into a dedicated sewing room (well there is still a bed in there for when they visit) and it makes such a huge difference.

    I have PR dvr'd haven't watched it yet.


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